7 May 2017 was Jessika Tassé's First Communion

Father Clement and Jessika

The sacrament of First Communion is an important tradition for Catholic families and individuals. For Catholics, Holy Communion is the third of seven sacraments received. The sacraments of Christian initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist - lay the foundations of every Christian life. The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. By means of these sacraments of Christian initiation, they thus receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity.

Given that this is a big event, we traveled to see our grand daughter receive her first communion. We also took the occasion to do other things and you can follow the hyper-links to your desired:

1. Pre-First Communion

2. First Communion

3. Post-First Communion Party

4. The Gifts


1. Pre-First Communion

We arrived and had watched Jessika getting ready to go over to the Church.

Lisa was going over early to get some good seats for the family

Meanwhile, inside the house, people were trying to decorate


2. First Communion

Matthew taking a picture?

Who Matthew is taking a picture of: (as a note, the head-dress worn by Jessika was also worn by her mother many years ago when Lisa did her First Communion)

I was up in the bleachers, thinking that this was the best place for photos...normally high is good but I found that I was blocked out a lot from some "good" shots.

Thomas and Kheayali beside Matt and Mandy and family.

Father Clement getting the singing ready

Tyler and family were in attendance

The procession

Some good pictures by Matthew, thankfully.

Thank you Kheayali for the video (MP4 Video, may not play on Apple tablets etc)

The time in the service where the priest says "peace be with you" and everyone offers each other the sign of peace (in our church it is a shaking of the hands-not every church is like that as we found out in our travels).

And so cute, that Lisa also offers Jessika the sign of peace

Arianna and Emma waving up to me

Jessika must have asked where I was and Lisa pointed up to me

First Communion, Father Clement giving the host to Jessika (believe me)

Matthew's perspective

Mandy and Arianna


Grandparents Jan & Dianne Jirsak with Jessika

Katryna (representing Kathryn, Joshua and Jonah) with Jessika

Grandparents Tassé

Jessika's proud parents with their kids

Kheayali with Thomas (Godfather) and Jessika

Tyler & Nat and Emma with Jessika

Gavin Tassé (Thomas' son) with Jessika

Here we are telling Father Clement that we really enjoyed his service


3. Post-First Communion

Now getting the smoker ready for hot dogs and hamburgers

Matt and Hannah


A Dog and two Budgies

Moka under the table (mom made me say that) lol

Dianne working away at the preparations

One thing we never had a chance to take a picture of was the "THREE" Banana Cream Pies that Grandmother Sharon made for this event! They were going like hotcakes...well, like pies ;)


Sharon with Hannah

Thomas, Kheayali, Jessika and the dog...Moka...resting


This picture is a little out of order -timewise...but fits in here. Mandy, Matt and family with Arianna and Jessika.

It was great that they made the trip down for this important event

4. The Gifts

From her Godfather Thomas (and Kheayali) Jessika opens her first card

From her Great Grandmother Rita Tassé

From her Grandparents Jirsak

From her parents

From her Aunt Kathryn & Family

From us (her grandparents) she got a charm

On her charm bracket you will see the Cross from us and the Angel was from her Great Grandmother Rita Tassé